Deutsch-Ukrainische Industrie- und Handelskammer ⇒ Regulation (EU) 305 – Construction Products Regulation in the media center of the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine.
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- Ukraine-Anfänger / початківець / начинающий
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- Registriert: Dienstag 22. September 2020, 17:26
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Regulation (EU) 305 – Construction Products Regulation in the media center of the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine.
September 24, 2020 The state authorities and agents of the construction market met and discussed Regulation (EU) 305 – Construction Products Regulation in the media center of the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine. - The event was initiated by an MP Olena Shuliak and AHK Ukraine (Energy Efficiency and Construction Committee). The initiator and co-author Olena Shuliak presented the act adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament “On the Market Requirements to the Construction Products” which describes ...
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