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Двадцять свідчень про переламний день протистоянь на Майдан/20 Zeugnisse über den Tag der Wende des Konflikts auf dem Maidan mit englischen Untertiteln

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Фільм "20. Двадцять свідчень про переламний день протистоянь на Майдані"

Режисер: Максим Спасов
Продюсер: Людмила Немиря
Жанр: Документальний
Країна: Україна, 2014

Film "20. Twenty testimonies about the turning point of the Maidan"

Director: Maxim Spasov
Producer: Lyudmila Nemyrya
Genre: Documentary
Country: Ukraine, 2014
The Ukrainian online television station, UKRLIFE.TV, together with civic organizations EuroMaidan SOS and the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Group with financial support of International Renaissance Foundation, has created a documentary film illustrating the tragic day of confrontation between authoritarian power and the people

20.02.2014. Ukraine. Kyiv. Maidan Nezalezhnosti. Third day of tough battles between protestors and the government

Videos showing the events on Maidan were filmed and uploaded on the YouTube on February the 20th

On February the 20th were killed in the main square of Ukraine. Even now, one is not able to determine the point of this violence - it is one of the most resonant events ever to have occurred on Independence Square. The killings in Kiev shocked the whole world

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