Termine21.03.2012 Berlin: Kurzfilme "Mudaky. Arabesky"

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21.03.2012 Berlin: Kurzfilme "Mudaky. Arabesky"

Beitrag von Handrij »

Liebe Osteuropa-Freunde,

hiermit möchte ich Sie und Euch gern zu einer ungewöhnlichen Filmvorführung "Mudaky. Arabesky" einladen, die am

Mittwoch, dem 21.03.2012 in der ORI Bar (Nur eingeloggte Mitglieder sehen alle Links ...) Friedelstraße 8, 12047 Berlin-Neukölln ab 21 Uhr stattfinden wird.
Der Eintritt ist frei, es besteht die Möglichkeit Getränke an einer Bar zu erwerben.

Wir zeigen an diesem Abend gegenwärtige ukrainische Kurzfilme zu gesellschaftskritischen Themen,
alle Filme stammen von jungen ukrainischen Filmemachern und wurden 2009-2010 gedreht sowie unter dem Dach des Projektes "Mudaky. Arabesky" zusammengefasst.
Die Filme werden in der Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln gezeigt.

Mehr über diese Kurzfilme erfahren Sie auf der Web-Seite des Projektes: Nur eingeloggte Mitglieder sehen alle Links ....

Anbei finden Sie außerdem das "Manifest" des Projektes sowie weitere Information zu den Filmen und deren Protagonisten.
Wir freuen uns Sie/Euch bei der Filmvorführung begrüßen zu dürfen.

Beste Grüße,
Oleksandra Bienert
Ukrainischer Kinoklub Berlin


«F***ERS. ARABESQUES» Manifesto


Every epoch has its own heroes. They are the ones about whom books are written and films are created; it is them who are eagerly followed; they are knights, warriors, thinkers, poets, and musicians… Yet, times change, and heroes change, too. Unlike their predecessors, the heroes of our mysterious time don’t make war, they don’t discover new lands, they don’t write books and, most often, don’t read them either. Being children of a “chaotic democracy”, they simply live. They go shopping, watch TV, drink beer, and pick their noses… You can meet them in the metro, in the street, in the lift, and even at your home. They have conquered this country without any slightest effort. When you think about whether they’ve always been as numerous, it gets more and more difficult to find enough arguments for a firm “no”.

However, 18 years of shaky attempts to create the Ukrainian civic society have led, as far as we can see, to an epidemic of a social illness known as assholism, which is contracted not so much through the Ukrainian political strata or a distorted economic model, but rather from one philistine to another; both in contact and non-contact ways.

Most likely, it’s exactly our “civic assholism” that delegated to the enlightened political milieu and the haughty nouveau-riches the right to waver our society, like a tail that wavers its dog.

Assholes are by definition the persons who are inadequate to the situation, in which they have found themselves; they stay beyond the challenges of time; they move along the wrong road while persistently investing their efforts into vanity of vanities.

Neither self-confident and cautious TV bosses, nor state servants, unconfident as far as their past and present, commission us to film these arabesques; it is not our own whimsy that drives us, but a burning necessity that we have perceived and apprehended.

We are certain that it is money, but rather world-outlook, ideas, talent and the will to create that are key elements in cinema, although as costly as this art can be. Therefore we create our short arabesques without budgets, without salaries, fees and rentals for film equipment; as friends, fellows and colleagues; as citizens. This is the challenge of the generation and for the generation; not just to make a single film, but rather to create the new Ukrainian cinema, which is inexistent in our country and in the world so far.


We are aware of the mission that we have assumed: that is, to reveal on the screen, to ridicule and to attempt the murder of an asshole; above all, in ourselves, in our neighbor, and in the Ukrainian society.

May we be judged by our wrongdoings…
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